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Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Google Adsense

Google Adsense Tips
To search through internet marketing dollars one way is to register our website or blog to Google Adsense. Adsense google registration is a free themselves is by creating blogs or websites, but if we have already had a better website registration website using Google Adsense because it will easily be indexed by Google search engine itself. The use of the website or blog we should use English as the language that allowed by Google Adsense is the English language. If using the Indonesian language Google Adsense will not provide a paid advertising to our website or blog. The language in google Adsense allowed by including: Arabic, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Croatian, Norwegian, Czech, Polish, Danish, Portuguese, Dutch, Romanian, English, Russia, Finland, Serbia, France, Slovakia, German, Spanish, Greek, Swedish, Hebrew, and you want to Turki.Kalau Adsense ads can be displayed on the website or blog in Indonesian, you can do it by copying the script Adsense for content on your blog that is accepted by Google Adsense into the site or your blog. If you want to register a blog on Google Adsense for www.blogspot.com should use this blog belongs to google, so easy in practice, and should use an email account from gmail. We'll get dollars from Google Adsense ads when there is AdSense for content on clicks by visitors, AdSense for content is usually in the form of text or image format. In addition we can other income like Adsense for search, we'll get a dollar when visitors search on Adsense for search on the blog or our website and clicking in Ads by Google. In addition we can refer other income from earnings when we get 100 dollars in about 3 months.
To search for dollars by learning internet marketing, you can learn it in Asian Brain IMC
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Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

LIST Adbrite

List Adbrite Guide
Untuk mencari dolar melalui internet marketing, salah satu caranya adalah melalui google AdBrite. Google AdBrite ini mirip dengan Google AdSense hanya saja kita bisa memasang iklan di Google AdBrite. Cara daftar Adbrite sebagai berikut :
1. Login ke AdBrite : www. AdBrite .com
2. Klik menu “My Account”
3. Klik menu “Create a New Zone”
4. Checklist pada “Text Ads” dan “Interstitial Ads”
5. Klik menu “Next: Describe Your Site.”
6. Isi alamat blog, judul dan diskripsi blog.
7. Klik menu “Next: Help new Advertisers find you in the Adbrite Marketplace.”
8. Ada tiga kotak kosong yang harus diisi dengan kata kunci, tag atau keywords.
9. Di bawahnya ada menu “Choose Category”. Pilih salah satu dengan mengklik kategori yang ada “Technology” > “second category” > “Include in the AdBrite site directory?” > “free listing” kemudian klik menu “Next..”
10. Pilih ad format/bentuk iklan yg akan dipasang
11. Pada menu “Networks Ads” pilih “Yes”
12. Pada menu “Ad content” pilih salah satunya.
13. Klik menu “Next: Set Pricing”. Klik “Yes I want to optimize my pricing. Start my auto pricing at” isi dolar sesuai budget anda.
14. Klik “Next: Get Ad code html.”
15. Ada pilihan format iklan, pilih antara Vertikal dan Horizontal.
16. Copy kode html yg ada di bawahnya, lalu masukkan di layout blog Anda.
Untuk mencari dolar melalui internet dengan mempelajari internet marketing, kita bisa mengikuti pelatihan di Asian Brain IMC. ...read more ⇒
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Buying Domain Tips And Guide
Domain name is the name used to identify the address of a website. In the Internet world there is no domain name is the same. There are two types of Top Level Domain, the Global Top Level Domain (gTLD) and Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD).
gTLD is such as:. com,. net, etc.
TLD ccTLD is designated for each country, like Indonesia with the code ID (co.id, net.id, or.id) or Singapore SG code (com.sg, net.sg, etc.).
Top Level Domain Name is the row behind the domain name like:
. com (dotcommercial) = Commercial
. net (dotnetwork) = Network
. org (dotorganization) = Organization
. edu (doteducation) = Education
. gov (dotgoverment) = Governance, and
. miles (dotmilitary) = Military
In the writing domain name has the following rules:
- Domain name can not begin or end with a minus sign. Domain names can only contain alpha-numeric characters (0-9, AZ) and the minus sign (-).

- Maximum length domain name is 63 characters, not including the 4 characters in the TLD (. Com. Net. Org)

- Some registers do not allow the use of numerical (0-9) at the beginning of a domain name

For domain purchase can be done through the domain provider. Domain provider is a company that provides booking for the website domain name that will be created. One company that provides booking services provider domain or domain name is the Asian Brain IMC
The steps in the domain purchase:
- Login to the Asian Brain IMC
- Enter the domain name would you buy at the "Enter Domain Name" and click Go. If you typed the name is available then you can proceed by clicking the message now.
- After that go to the page "Configuration Domains", on this page you can configure and define the Nameserver that will be used. By default the new domain will use this nameserver
Nameserver 1: ns10.asianbrainserver.com
Nameserver 2: ns11.asianbrainserver.com
If you do not have domain plan will be directed to the hosting server or the URL Forwarding to a particular link will allow as a nameserver and directly hit the "Update Cart". Then you will fill out the registration to create your account at the Asian Brain IMC.
Process Domain Forwarding (URL Forwarding) conducted by:
For a while if you want memforwarding domain (URL Forwarding) please contact with the open support ticket on your Client Area.

To send a ticket please go to the client area via a link
www.AsianBrainServer.com / client / clientarea.php.
Click on the link "Submit Ticket" and select "Domain".
Contents in the header with "URL forwarding for your Domain.
To find the dollar over the internet by learning internet marketing, we can follow the training in the Asian Brain IMC. ...read more ⇒