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Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Google Adsense

Google Adsense Tips
To search through internet marketing dollars one way is to register our website or blog to Google Adsense. Adsense google registration is a free themselves is by creating blogs or websites, but if we have already had a better website registration website using Google Adsense because it will easily be indexed by Google search engine itself. The use of the website or blog we should use English as the language that allowed by Google Adsense is the English language. If using the Indonesian language Google Adsense will not provide a paid advertising to our website or blog. The language in google Adsense allowed by including: Arabic, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Croatian, Norwegian, Czech, Polish, Danish, Portuguese, Dutch, Romanian, English, Russia, Finland, Serbia, France, Slovakia, German, Spanish, Greek, Swedish, Hebrew, and you want to Turki.Kalau Adsense ads can be displayed on the website or blog in Indonesian, you can do it by copying the script Adsense for content on your blog that is accepted by Google Adsense into the site or your blog. If you want to register a blog on Google Adsense for www.blogspot.com should use this blog belongs to google, so easy in practice, and should use an email account from gmail. We'll get dollars from Google Adsense ads when there is AdSense for content on clicks by visitors, AdSense for content is usually in the form of text or image format. In addition we can other income like Adsense for search, we'll get a dollar when visitors search on Adsense for search on the blog or our website and clicking in Ads by Google. In addition we can refer other income from earnings when we get 100 dollars in about 3 months.
To search for dollars by learning internet marketing, you can learn it in Asian Brain IMC
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Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

LIST Adbrite

List Adbrite Guide
Untuk mencari dolar melalui internet marketing, salah satu caranya adalah melalui google AdBrite. Google AdBrite ini mirip dengan Google AdSense hanya saja kita bisa memasang iklan di Google AdBrite. Cara daftar Adbrite sebagai berikut :
1. Login ke AdBrite : www. AdBrite .com
2. Klik menu “My Account”
3. Klik menu “Create a New Zone”
4. Checklist pada “Text Ads” dan “Interstitial Ads”
5. Klik menu “Next: Describe Your Site.”
6. Isi alamat blog, judul dan diskripsi blog.
7. Klik menu “Next: Help new Advertisers find you in the Adbrite Marketplace.”
8. Ada tiga kotak kosong yang harus diisi dengan kata kunci, tag atau keywords.
9. Di bawahnya ada menu “Choose Category”. Pilih salah satu dengan mengklik kategori yang ada “Technology” > “second category” > “Include in the AdBrite site directory?” > “free listing” kemudian klik menu “Next..”
10. Pilih ad format/bentuk iklan yg akan dipasang
11. Pada menu “Networks Ads” pilih “Yes”
12. Pada menu “Ad content” pilih salah satunya.
13. Klik menu “Next: Set Pricing”. Klik “Yes I want to optimize my pricing. Start my auto pricing at” isi dolar sesuai budget anda.
14. Klik “Next: Get Ad code html.”
15. Ada pilihan format iklan, pilih antara Vertikal dan Horizontal.
16. Copy kode html yg ada di bawahnya, lalu masukkan di layout blog Anda.
Untuk mencari dolar melalui internet dengan mempelajari internet marketing, kita bisa mengikuti pelatihan di Asian Brain IMC. ...read more ⇒
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Buying Domain Tips And Guide
Domain name is the name used to identify the address of a website. In the Internet world there is no domain name is the same. There are two types of Top Level Domain, the Global Top Level Domain (gTLD) and Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD).
gTLD is such as:. com,. net, etc.
TLD ccTLD is designated for each country, like Indonesia with the code ID (co.id, net.id, or.id) or Singapore SG code (com.sg, net.sg, etc.).
Top Level Domain Name is the row behind the domain name like:
. com (dotcommercial) = Commercial
. net (dotnetwork) = Network
. org (dotorganization) = Organization
. edu (doteducation) = Education
. gov (dotgoverment) = Governance, and
. miles (dotmilitary) = Military
In the writing domain name has the following rules:
- Domain name can not begin or end with a minus sign. Domain names can only contain alpha-numeric characters (0-9, AZ) and the minus sign (-).

- Maximum length domain name is 63 characters, not including the 4 characters in the TLD (. Com. Net. Org)

- Some registers do not allow the use of numerical (0-9) at the beginning of a domain name

For domain purchase can be done through the domain provider. Domain provider is a company that provides booking for the website domain name that will be created. One company that provides booking services provider domain or domain name is the Asian Brain IMC
The steps in the domain purchase:
- Login to the Asian Brain IMC
- Enter the domain name would you buy at the "Enter Domain Name" and click Go. If you typed the name is available then you can proceed by clicking the message now.
- After that go to the page "Configuration Domains", on this page you can configure and define the Nameserver that will be used. By default the new domain will use this nameserver
Nameserver 1: ns10.asianbrainserver.com
Nameserver 2: ns11.asianbrainserver.com
If you do not have domain plan will be directed to the hosting server or the URL Forwarding to a particular link will allow as a nameserver and directly hit the "Update Cart". Then you will fill out the registration to create your account at the Asian Brain IMC.
Process Domain Forwarding (URL Forwarding) conducted by:
For a while if you want memforwarding domain (URL Forwarding) please contact with the open support ticket on your Client Area.

To send a ticket please go to the client area via a link
www.AsianBrainServer.com / client / clientarea.php.
Click on the link "Submit Ticket" and select "Domain".
Contents in the header with "URL forwarding for your Domain.
To find the dollar over the internet by learning internet marketing, we can follow the training in the Asian Brain IMC. ...read more ⇒
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Senin, 29 Juni 2009


How To Installing The Blog Ads
After we know how to make blog is to get dollars through the internet, is to put an ad on our blog. Through these ads we can get a good dollar to become an affiliate or with pay per click (ads in google adsense). This means that if the affiliates we will get the dollar if the products sold through ads that are sold in our blog we will get a commission from the sale but if perclick pay systems such as advertising from google adsense google adsense ad when it is clicked by a visitor, we will get dollars from google adsense.
If we had signed up to google adsense and affiliate approved by adsense then to get the adsense code is to login to http://www.google.com/adsense/login/in/ using the username and password used when registering adsense. How to put adsense ads is to find the ad script and then copy and paste the script in the layout> add the gadget> click the HTML / java script on our blog. Advertising ways:
1. To get the script code Adsense for content is to login to Adsense. Click the Configuration tab and select Adsense Adsense for content.
2. Through the dashboard the layout menu> add page element. In the dialog box, click the add to blog on adsense option.
3. Select ad format and colors. Adsense ID will appear in the Advanced. Select the appropriate manner keiniginan we switch to a different publisher ID and press SAVE.
4. To get the AdSense for search code is a way through the Adsense Setup> Get ads. Choose AdSense for search.
5. Choose the language using the English language.
6. Select the format of the search engine (google custom for search)
7. Choose colors and logo to your liking.
8. Copy the code adsense for search on your blog.
To find the dollar over the internet by learning internet marketing, we can follow the training in the Asian Brain IMC.
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Selasa, 23 Juni 2009


Looking For Ideas For Posting In The Blog Guide
How to make a blog we've discussed in previous posts. Now how do we look for ideas to post on the blog. Before we are posting a paper on our blog we should know the topic based on the keywords being searched for by many people a lot. The topic must be according to the products / services to be offered or based on our expertise, this meant that we should always make regular posts and weighted because we have control of the areas of our hobby.
Actually in the world of the Internet is a free program that can help us find the idea to post on the blog. The program can help find keywords that are searched by many people. First we http://www.freekeywords.wordtracker.com/ login here, then we type in keywords and later we will show search results with keyword searches in the number one month and followed by other keywords that are related to keywords we type this.
After looking for ideas to post on the blog we've got, then we try to do search on google about our keywords, and then we'll get the number of people who have created websites or blogs with the same keywords with keywords we are located on the right above. More and more of our competitors who use the same keyword more difficult for our blog to appear on the first page of google. For consideration, if we want our blog is easy to appear on the first page we should choose keywords that have a competitor in the under 5 million, but these keywords are related to our topic. Good luck looking for ideas to post on the blog. To find the dollar over the internet by learning internet marketing, we can follow the training in the Asian Brain IMC. Hopefully this article can help. ...read more ⇒
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How To Raise Rating The Blog

How To Raise Rating The Blog Guide
How to raise the rating of this blog is an effort to get our blog in the index by google search engine. I am here not to teach or patronizing, my capacity here just to share information about how to boost ratings blog. How to increase blog rating is the off page Optimation (without changing the settings blogs). How to raise the rating of this blog can be done in various ways such as:

1. Determining a unique theme for google search engines like the other theme than others, it is also because of less competition and we certainly easier in raising our blog rating.

2. Make posts with content length but weighs a minimum of at least 250 words. How to find out how many words in our posts will be visible in the lower left ms.words.

3. Keep posting as much as possible because google will index blogs that always make a new post. This posting should be done regularly and arranged so that the posting should not be done at once, but do 1 post every day.

4. In doing writing for the post, my suggestion is to multiply the keywords that we will create. The more keywords that we write in the blog more often google indexing and of course how they can raise our blog rating.

5. More often follow social bookmarks or social networking for google search engine now indexes more content websites social bookmarks, such as facebook, twitter etc. This of course we can use to obtain one way of raising our blog rating.

6. Add a picture or a video or on our blog. So that our blog is not fit to open slowly because a picture or video of our large file size we can follow the picasa for storing pictures, and links in our picasa copy and paste the gadgets we use klo blogspot blog. To find the dollar over the internet by learning internet marketing, we can follow the training in the Asian Brain IMC.
Hopefully posting how to raise the rating of this blog useful. ...read more ⇒
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Minggu, 21 Juni 2009


Making Website Guides
Finding dollars through internet marketing, one of which is to create a website. Pros website is much easier in the index by google than the blog and also have more credibility in the world of internet marketing. To create a website can be done using Microsoft frontpage or Dreamwaver. Reply to me in making a better website using dreamwaver because it's easier to use and its features more interesting.
Here are the features available in Dreamwaver work area:

- Insert Bar: Bar menu that contains buttons for inserting various objects such as images, tables and layers to the document.

- Document Toolbar: Contains buttons and pop-up menu that provides a different view of the Document Window.

- Document Window: Functions to display the document.

- Files Panel: Displays group files based on the work site.

- Tag Selector: Hiraki tag display function around the current selection in the design view.

- Property Inspcetor: Used to view and change various properties of objects and text.

- Site Panel: Used to manage files and folders that make up the web site.

1. Edit images to create a header
To make a picture in the header on our website using photoshop to edit them.

- Open your photoshop program and then click "File"> "New".

- Then set widht = 780 pixels and height = 150 pixels.

- Click "File"> "open".

- Insert the image into the canvas had to do "drag".

- Set the image to fit the canvas in a way "edit"> "Transform"> "Scale".

- Click the "Save as" to save

2. How to create a website with Dreamwaver.

a. Creating header

- In the "Insert Bar", click the icon "table".

- After that will come Table Properties, then fill with the following data:
Rows: 2 Columns: 1
Table Width: 780 pixels
Border Thickness: 0
Cell Padding: 0 Cell Spacing: 0

- Then save the mouse cursor on the first row of the table,
- Select the icon "images" to insert the bar
- After that will appear the dialog box to display the image header.
- Then open the image. And even ready-made header.

b. Layout

- The next step is to store the mouse cursor on the second row,
- After that make a new table in the column.
- Place the cursor into the column 1 row 2.
- Enter the text in the table as you wish.
Next we give style to the text,
- You block / highlight and set the format tulisanitu writing:
Color: Red
Font size: H2 (heading 2)

c. Adding Image / Picture
We'll add a picture on the column-to-2 line 3
- Save the cursor on the column-to-2 line 3.
- Select the icon "images" on the insert bar.

d. Creating Hyperlinks
- Save the cursor in the column 2 row 3.
- Then save his writings hyperlink below the picture.
- Block writing that will be linked.
- The "Properties Bar" column "link" with the name of the file will be addressed.

To find the dollar over the internet by learning internet marketing, we can follow the training in the Asian Brain IMC.
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Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009


To become a reliable internet marketer you should have to make dulu.tips first blog free blog on blogspot is almost can be done by the beginner though. through this blog we can get a dollar that is by following the google adsense free of cuma.Untuk make a free blog we should have a name address e-mail, e-mail proverbial is our home address so that visitors can directly get to the house we do not stray to other people's homes. We can make an email address at www.yahoo.com or www.google.com.
First you login to the site www.blogspot.com.
How to make a free blog at blogspot:

A. Create An Account
1. Click on the image by writing CONTINUE
2. Type in your email address you have created in yahoo or gmail on the field
3. Retype email address you on the field
4. Input your password at least 8 characters, more is better.
5. Retype your password once again
6. Fill in the name of the display with a goal that you want to tag your blog posts.
7. In the word verification field, type the characters you see in the field
8. Click (Checklist) in the box sampint writing and I accept the Terms of Service and click on the image by writing CONTINUE

B. Giving Names Blog
1. Type your URL in the address box type say "looking for-dollar" that eventually you will have your blog address is as follows: for-www.men dolar.blogspot.com
2. Click "Check Availability" if the address of your blog that no one will make out the words "blog address is available" if you've your blog address to make it there will come out "sorry this blog address is not available please consider one of the following". If you have a blog that make CONTINUE button.

C. Selecting a Template
To select the template you want, select a template that is provided by the blogspot by clicking the little dots below the template or you can download other templates on google. Then click CONTINUE

D. Filling Content
1. After the blog so we will begin blogging, click start bloging and we will automatically go to view content.
2. Fill in your name in the title field.
3. Type the content / content of your blog
4. Save with the click save and publish
5. The result we can see by clicking the preview

To find the dollar over the internet by learning internet marketing, we can follow the training in the Asian Brain IMC. Asian Brain IMC is a company that already has credibility in the field of internet marketing.
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Minggu, 19 April 2009


Internet Marketing Tips And Guides

Search for dollars through the internet marketer is quite sizeable, of the hundreds of dollars even thousands of dollars, it depends on our efforts in finding dolar.caranya is to become a reliable internet marketer.

What must we do to become an internet marketer that powerful? how to become a reliable internet marketer is to take training on internet marketing. This is because we do through the internet can be more practical and more efficient than through seminars on marketing available, because the training through the internet mengikui overcome the problem of limited time and we are also limited funds.
Criteria are needed to become a reliable internet marketing? Criteria needed to become a reliable internet marketer is to choose training with the training materials that have weight and easy to learn for a beginner because the required training materials that are easy to understand. training materials must be staged on each month so that we truly become a powerful internet marketer.
How we can become an internet marketer that powerful? we do is just login to the Asian Brain IMC. guaranteed if we are serious in the implementation we will be a reliable internet marketing. To find a dollar on the internet with internet marketing to learn, we can follow the training in the Asian Brain IMC. ...read more ⇒