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Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009


To become a reliable internet marketer you should have to make dulu.tips first blog free blog on blogspot is almost can be done by the beginner though. through this blog we can get a dollar that is by following the google adsense free of cuma.Untuk make a free blog we should have a name address e-mail, e-mail proverbial is our home address so that visitors can directly get to the house we do not stray to other people's homes. We can make an email address at www.yahoo.com or www.google.com.
First you login to the site www.blogspot.com.
How to make a free blog at blogspot:

A. Create An Account
1. Click on the image by writing CONTINUE
2. Type in your email address you have created in yahoo or gmail on the field
3. Retype email address you on the field
4. Input your password at least 8 characters, more is better.
5. Retype your password once again
6. Fill in the name of the display with a goal that you want to tag your blog posts.
7. In the word verification field, type the characters you see in the field
8. Click (Checklist) in the box sampint writing and I accept the Terms of Service and click on the image by writing CONTINUE

B. Giving Names Blog
1. Type your URL in the address box type say "looking for-dollar" that eventually you will have your blog address is as follows: for-www.men dolar.blogspot.com
2. Click "Check Availability" if the address of your blog that no one will make out the words "blog address is available" if you've your blog address to make it there will come out "sorry this blog address is not available please consider one of the following". If you have a blog that make CONTINUE button.

C. Selecting a Template
To select the template you want, select a template that is provided by the blogspot by clicking the little dots below the template or you can download other templates on google. Then click CONTINUE

D. Filling Content
1. After the blog so we will begin blogging, click start bloging and we will automatically go to view content.
2. Fill in your name in the title field.
3. Type the content / content of your blog
4. Save with the click save and publish
5. The result we can see by clicking the preview

To find the dollar over the internet by learning internet marketing, we can follow the training in the Asian Brain IMC. Asian Brain IMC is a company that already has credibility in the field of internet marketing.

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